Early Education Intervention Sessions

Early Education Intervention Sessions are individualized and use evidence-based best practice learning approaches and techniques specific to your child’s needs, strengths and learning style. These sessions take place in either your home or PCES’s office.

During one-on-one sessions with your child, we address these and other developmental areas:

  • Social and emotional development, including affect and regulation
  • Play skills as they relate to important developmental areas
  • Cognitive development, including attention and engagement
  • Language and communication enrichment, including preverbal communication
  • Tutoring in pre-academics

The Parents’ Vital Role

Parent Education and Coaching is an integral part of Early Education Intervention sessions. Ideally these sessions include you and/or your child’s caregiver as full, active participants. We educate and model techniques you can use to optimize learning opportunities for your child during everyday routines, activities and interactions.

Coaching parents to use proven strategies supports two critical goals: You will be able to incorporate new techniques that support your child’s development in daily life and your child will be encouraged to use and practice new, important skills and concepts in different settings during the daily routine.

PCES’s approach is multisensory and uses evidence-based best practices that can enhance your child’s strengths according to his/her needs and learning style. Our focus is not just on teaching skills in isolation but on having your child use them in meaningful ways in a variety of settings (generalizing), and building upon them to reach the next skill and developmental level.