Developmental Screening and Assessment

Developmental screening uses a standardized tool to determine whether a child’s development is similar to that of other children of the same age. Developmental milestones are a set of skills that follow age specific guidelines.  Each child is unique and may acquire a skill slightly before or after the guideline range of development.

Developmental screening and assessment provides a general evaluation of strengths, basic skills and developmental milestones.  The screening incorporates parents’ expert knowledge about their children.

Screening does not give a diagnosis but can provide indispensable information and identify areas in which the child may not be meeting important developmental milestones considered “typical” for  his/her age range.

A developmental screening and assessment addresses developmental areas such as:

  • Cognitive and Problem-Solving Skills
  • Language and Communication Skills
  • Fine and Gross Motor Skills
  • Social Skills
  • Self-Care Skills

PCES looks at the whole child and how one area of development affects another.  A child’s developmental profile is not, and should not be, defined by any one piece of information.